Friday, June 12, 2015

Mosquito invasion

It's been a long wet spring and early summer so the mosquitoes have been out in force. It makes sitting in the yard unpleasant to say the least but what are you to do? I almost hate the spray on products as much as the bites. We do use a Lemon Eucalyptus product from Cutter that at least smells OK but I did a little research on natural products that might help.

I was surprised to find that Lemon Balm, a noxious weed in our yard is actually great for mosquito repelling. I am sorry I sprayed so much of it out now but it is hard to kill and I did notice it is staging a comeback. Lavender seems to be a popular repellent also and I can get on board with that.

Cabela's sells a  little device ThermaCell that operates on a butane cartridge that appears o work also. I may have to stop and pick one up today.

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